“I enjoy Tom’s newsletter and this article on being humble and making time to learn hits home” , Chris
By Tom Reilly, the guy who wrote the book on Value-Added Selling
Former St. Louis Cardinal, Mark McGwire, is returning to St. Louis as a batting coach. Notwithstanding the controversy, McGwire could hit a baseball. Now, he’s returning to help other Cardinals hit baseballs. Albert Pujols, the most popular Cardinal first baseman since Stan “The Man” Musial, welcomes the help. The two-time league MVP said McGwire’s return was “awesome” A strong contender for his third MVP with a .327 batting average for 2009 said, “I’m looking forward to working with him.” One of the best, if not the best player in baseball, is looking forward to working with a batting coach!
That changes everything as far as growth and development. Unless you are more successful in sales than Albert Pujols is in baseball, you can get better. The obstacles are predictable—time and ego. Getting better requires time and effort, often more of each than many people are willing to invest. It also requires professional humility. To believe that you are as good as you can become smacks of arrogance. We cannot get better until and unless we believe and admit we can get better.
What are you doing to get better? What are you reading? What are you studying? What are you practicing? How are you training? How are you preparing? How are you getting feedback on your performance? How often are you asking customers how you can improve for them?
Join us on December 16 & 17 for two days of training and coaching on Value-Added Selling. This is your opportunity to get better and focused for the New Year. Visit us online and request an itinerary for this learning experience: www.TomReillyTraining.com
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