Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, landing pages, SEO, blogging, direct mail, networking, telemarketing, advertising, seminars– Arg!! The many ways an entrepreneur can spend money generating leads are infinite. Sadly, the return on those “investments” is not. In a nutshell, you want:
Cost-Effective Leads!!
As a business owner, you don’t really care about the different tools, you just want to know your cost per lead/bid/closed sale. Since I utilize all of the above tools, I wanted to share my thoughts:
- Before you spend it, decide how it will be measured – Always build the dashboard first. For instance, my cost-effective overseas telemarketers self-manage every day at the end of their shift. Variables tracked include quality of the list, % talked to, % long lead, % hot lead, etc. They quickly chuck bad lists out while they call good lists repeatedly.
- Spend Judiciously – You can hire someone to make a WordPress-based site that is user-friendly with all the SEO, blogging, social media, and sharing capabilities for only $500-1500. Also, a Virtual Assistance doing all that SEO and Social Media work for 2 hours per day can be had for $400(!) a month. Compare that against the cost of a full-time entry-level marketing person- $35,000+/year?
- Easy to Use – Older websites were impossible to keep updated and fresh. One reason I recommend WordPress-based sites is non-programmers can add fresh, new content. Even video blogs are relatively easy to do. Also since Google’s algorithm assigns a premium to fresh, new local content, finding a way that is low-cost- and hassle-free is critical.
- Understand where your leads come from Now!– Forget all these fancy, internet tools. How do clients and referral sources find your business now? How are you found, researched, investigated, and finally given a check? Don’t limit generating leads to the Internet. Utilize every channel at your disposal to get your desired results.
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I agree that a businessman just cares about the cost and the return on that investment. I also agree that setting up a dashboard to monitor all dollars going out is a must.